Riga 2 years old CAC BOS /Riga 2 år Cert BIM photo by Evi Zerde Hips A Elbows & Eyes Okey.
Riga 16 months old.
Riga 8 Weeks old Twelwe weeks old Five months old
8 Months old.
Junior one of the lovely brothers to Riga.
Rigas Mother Rigas Grandmother.
Några av Rigas valpar med MultiCh Karvin Stay On Top
Cert Cacib BiR
Vi tackar Katrin Rosander Kennel Guldskeden's för all hjälp med att fotografera. Rigas valpar med/Puppies with Intch SU(u)CH Grekch RCG-W'04 Woodmore Islone Alone
Elsa Rigas daughter with Dunston.
Milton a son of Riga and Dunston.
Viola Fyra barn efter Riga & Endicott Caballero/ Four Children Of Riga And Endicott Caballero
Lilly a daughter to Riga and Ch Guldruschen's Business As Usual
Noa one of Lillys sisters. |