30/12 -2011 Guldruschen's Moonlight Shadow 1 Öppenklass Viltspår och därmed Svenskviltspårs Champion !!! / Swedish Tracking Champion!!! Superbra jobbat Björn och Molle!!!/ Super Well Done Björn and Molle!!!
Nordisk Vinnar Utställning i Stockholm / Nordic Winner Show in Stockholm
SEU(U)CH Guldruschen's Business As Usual 1 ex Vet klass CK 4 BHKL, BIR Veteran och Nordisk Veteran Vinnare 2011./ Winner of the veteran class with ck ,4 Best male, BOB Veteran & Nordic Veteran Winner 2011.
SVCH Guldruschen's Made With Passion 1 Ex Öppenklass CK R-CERT./ Winner of the openclass with Ck and she took the R-CAC.
Guldruschen's With Out Make-Up Ex 4ÖKK.) Ex Fourth in the Openclass.
SEU(U)CH Goldsand's Lucky Light Ex 2 i Vetkk Med CK./ Ex 2 in the veteran class.
GRK Open Show Halmstad
Guldruschen's Take A Chance on Me 1 Limit Hp Bästa hane & BIS!!!!!!/ Winner of the Openclass ,Best male and BIS!!!!
Guldruschen's Not For Sale 2 Junior II Hp
Guldruschen's With Out Make-Up 1 Mid-Limit Hp Bästa Tik & BIS-2!!!!!/ Winner of the Mid-limitclass Best Bitch and BIS-2!!!
6/11 SKK Växjö Guldruschen's 3 Bästa hanvalp med HP./ Third Best puppy Male.
12/9 SKK Sofiero SEU(U)CH Guldruschen's Dream Maker EX 1 Champion klass CK Bästa hane & BIR!!!!/ EX Winner of the Championclass Best Dog And BOB!!! Very Well Done Emelie And Baileys!!!!
SEU(U)CH Guldruschen's Dream Maker & MULTI CH WW-11 Dream Max Amy Diamond SEU(U)CH Guldruschen's Bsiness A Usual EX 1 veteranklass CK 2 Bästa hane BIR Veteran./ Ex Winner of the veteran class second best dog and BOB Veteran!!
21/8 GRK Open Show Göteborg SEU(U)CH Guldruschen's Dream Maker 1 Open Hp Bästa Hane & BIS!!!!! Bra jobbat Emelie och Bailyes!!!!!/ Winner Of the openclass Best Dog And BEST IN SHOW !!! Very Well done Emelie and Baileys !!!
14/8 SKK Ronneby Guldruschen's Take A Chance On Me Ex 1 ÖKK CK 2-Bästa Hane Med CERT & CACIB./ 1 Ex In Open class with Champion quality 2 Best male with CAC And CACIB.
SEU(U)CH Guldruschen's Business As Usual And Multi Ch WW-11 Dream Max Amy Diamond SEU(U)CH Guldruschen's Business As Usual Ex 1 Vetkl CK Bästa hane BIR & BIS-3 Veteran !!!/ 1 EX veteran class Best Dog and BOB!! And Third Best Veteran In Show!!! Thank you Jennie for showing Elliot to Best Dog !!!! Our Lovely Boy in Belgium became German Junior Champion very fast three Shows in a row each time winner of the class with CAC!!! So we proudly present German Junior Champion Guldruschen's No One Like Me!! "Dempsey"
Foto Chris De meyer
Foto Chris De meyer
German Junior Champion Guldruschen's No One Like Me Well done my friends!!!! Vi presenterar med stolthet fröken Smilla!!!
New Swedish Tracking Champion Guldruschen's Cashmere Mist Stort Grattis till Guldruschen's Cashmere Mist som numera kan presentera sig med titeln SVCH!!!!!! Svensk viltspårs champion!!! Superbra Jobbat Micke,Carina och Smilla!!!
GRK'S CLUB SHOW I KOSTA 11/6 2011 Domare Alexia Kammenou hanar Och Agneta Cardell tikar.
Guldruschen's No One Like Me Ex Juniorklass 3 JKK Ck/ Ex 3 In Junior class with Championquality.
Guldruschen's Love From New York Ex 4 Junkk CK/ Ex 4 in Junior class with Championquality Guldruschen's Paint In Gold 1 Ökl /Ex In Openclass.
Guldruschen's Take A Chance On Me Ex 3 Ökk Ck / Ex 3 in openclass with Championquality Guldruschen's Trouble In Paradise Ex In Open class.
GER CH CH IB AUT CH LUXCH Guldruschen's Winter Collection 2 i CHKL CK/ Ex 2 In Champion class with Champion quality.
SEU(u)CH Guldruschen's Dream Maker 1 Chkl CK Bästa hane & BIM. / Ex 1 in Champion class Best Male and BOS.
Guldruschen's Hey Ladies 1 Vet Klass Ck BIM Veteran./ Ex 1 in Veteran Class with Champion quality and BOS Veteran.
GULDRUSCHEN'S FIRST CLASS Ex 4ökk CK / Ex 4 in Open class with Championquality
SVCH GULDRUSCHEN'S MADE WITH PASSION Ex 1 Ökk Ck 4 Bästa tik Med CERT!!!/ Ex 1 In Open class 4 Best Bitch with CAC
Ida Stübner med Sally vann barn med hund Stort Grattis!!!
/6-2011 SSRK Gränna Domare Bolette Heering
Goldensmile Waterloo 1 Ökl CK 3 ÖKK. / EX Third in Open class with championquality.
SVCH Guldruschen's Made With Passion 1 Ökl 2 Ökk Ck 4 BTKL/ Ex 2 In Openclass With Championquality and 4 Best Bitch.
Jätte Grattis till Guldruschen's Flying Girl som har tagit 3 X 1 Pris i Lydnadsklass 1 Och därmed fått sitt LP 1 Bra Jobbat Therese och Flaxen!!! / Congratulations to Guldruschen's Flying Girl who has taken 3 X first price in Obedience class one!!! Very Well done!!!
Jätte Grattis till Guldruschen's Cashmere Mist som har klarat 2 X 1 Pris i Öppenklass Viltspår!!! / Congratulations to Guldruschen's Cashmere Mist who got in openclass 2 first pris in trackingtest!!! Bra jobbat Micke Carina & Smilla.
Regional Club Show in Oulins judge Mr O'DONOGHUE from Ireland Guldruschen's Cherry Plum Ex och vinnare av öppenklassen/ Ex and vinner of the Open class.
Well done Emelie and Chérie!!! GRk's Open Show i Skottorp domare A.Hjälm.
Guldruschen's Gimlet On The Rocks 1 Junior 1 Hp 2-Bästa hanvalp/ winner of Junior 1, 2 Best puppydog.
Goldensmile Waterloo 1 Midlimit Hp 4-Bästa hane./ Winner of the class Midlimit and 4-Best Male.
SVCH Guldruschen's Made With Passion 1 Limit Hp Bästa tik Och BIS-2!!!!/ Winner of the Limit Class and best bitch and BIS-2!!!! 1/05/2011 Belgian Retriever Club, Championship Show 2011
Guldruschen's No One Like Me Ex 4 in Juniorclass. Well done Dempsey and Conny.
03-2011 Internationell utställning i Luxembourg / International Show in Luxembourg Vinnare av Champion klassen Med CERT, CACIB , Bästa hane & BIR LUX CH Samt kvalificerad till CRUFT'S 2012/ Winner Of the Championclass With CAC,CACIB Best Male BOB New Titel LUX CH and Qualified For CRUFT'S 2012 INTCH AUTCH GERMAN CH And NOW Also LUX CH Guldruschen's Winter Collection !!!! (MATSE) BIG CONGRATULATIONS ILSE , FANTASTIC VERY WELL DONE MY FRIEND!!! Owners to MR Matse are Ilse and Dirk Kennel NO Hill's Belgium.
SSRK Moheda 2011-03-06 Guldruschen's Gimlet On The Rocks Bästa hanvalp puppy II Hp BIM / Best puppy dog BOS.
Goldblossoms Limón Ex Jkl 3 Jkk/ Third Ex In Juniorclass.
Guldruschen's Not For Sale 2 puppy II Hp/ Puppy class II Second best puppybitch .
Guldruschen's Cashmere Mist Ex 3 Ukk/ Ex Third in the young class.
Guldruschen's Sweet Trouble Ex 2 ÖKK CK / EX second in Open class.
20 02 2011 International show in Bourges Guldruschen's Cherry Plum Ex 1st in Open Class, CAC + RCACIB/ Vinnare av Öppenklassen med CERT & R-Cacib. BIG CONGRATULATIONS!! Very Well Done Emelie And Chérie!!!!! Owner to Chérie is kennel Royston Sport France.
12 02 2011 Fredericia DKK udstilling dommare Kaj Falk Andreasen Guldruschen's Rocksteady Collection Ex 2 i unghundsklassen/ Ex 2 in intermidiate class. Well done Inge Börge & Gussi.