HD A-B ED UA Ögon UA/ HD A-B ED 0 Eyes OK.

DNA Testad  Normal för GR_PRA 1 /DNA Tested and Clear for GR_PRA 1.


1 Jkl 2 JKK CK 3HKL SKK Sofiero / Exellent second in Junior class with Championquality and third best dog at SKK Sofiero.

Uppfödare Lotta Andersson kennel Goldblossoms.

MultiCh Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon Eng. SH. CH. Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood
Eng. SH. CH. Ritzilyn Stage Door Jenny
Sh Ch Pearlbarn Periwinkle for Ritzilyn Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW
Stanroph Sandancer for Pearlbarn
Goldblossoms Tap To Miranda  SEU(u)CH Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix GBSHCH
Stanroph Endelwood Nicolas
Stanroph She's Got The Looks
Tap To Bermory Bay Of Glen Sheallag INTUCH Trialer Ashbury Please Tell Me
GRCH Ossien Of Glen Sheallag













Limón 10 månader gammal/ Limón ten months old.




Limon och bästa kompisen Texas/Limon with his best friend Texas.






Photo Lotta Andersson



Limóns mother Goldblossoms Tap To Miranda

Limóns father MultiCh Ritzilyn Rick O´Shay

Dasty and Miranda in Malmö September 3

Dasty And Miranda